QUICKSURFACE Reverse Engineering Software

Affordable standalone Scan to CAD software. Its simple yet powerful tools make it easy to convert any 3D scan meshes into parametric or surface CAD models.

screenshot of quicksurface

Ultimate Scan to CAD Solution For Your 3D Scanner

QUICKSURFACE is an all-in-one solution that gives you complete access to extract information from 3D scanner data as a reference to create usable CAD models with ease. Using the software’s real-time deviation analyzer, it keeps track of how far your CAD model deviates from the scan data. As a result, you have full control as to how your final results will turn out with great accuracy, at any given time.

scan to cad model


Once you scanned your object using a 3D scanner, export the file from your scanning software and load it into QUICKSURFACE. It’s great at working with large meshes with no issues. Compatible files for importing:

  • STL
  • OBJ
  • PLY
  • PTY


QUICKSURFACE transforms scan data to CAD by giving you tools to:

  • Sketch 2D cross sections, extruded, and revolved surfaces for parametric modeling
  • Create freeform surfaces manually with complete control, or fully automated with Autosurfacing


Once you are done, export as:

  • Industry standard STEP or IGES file to use in other CAD program, or
  • Transfer directly the full parametric tree into SOLIDWORKS

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Start your 30-day, full-featured free trial. Download and install it on your computer for Windows. No credit card required.

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From simple to complex, and/or prismatic to organic objects, you can create CAD models using the following methods:

Parametric Modeling

Parametric Modeling

* Ideal for objects with prismatic geometry

At the heart of QUICKSURFACE is parametric solid modeling with history tree. You can always go back and modify the model at a later time. Create 2D sketches and revolve or extrude into 3D solids. Using QS Connect module exclusive to QUICKSURFACE, you can transfer the whole parametric history into SOLIDWORKS directly without any problems.

Freeform Modeling

Freeform Modeling

* Ideal for objects with organic shapes

QUICKSURFACE provides 2 types of freeform modeling:

  • Automatic Surfacing (Quick job): Convert complex freeform shapes into CAD model with a click of a button. It’s that simple.
  • Quad Surfacing (More control): Proprietary snap-to-mesh technology and real-time deviation analysis gives you more control as to how you want to create surfaces. You can manually adjust the resolution and position of control points.
Parametric Hybrid Modeling

Parametric Hybrid Modeling

* Ideal for parts with both prismatic and freeform geometry

Reconstruct both organic and prismatic shapes and merge them in to a solid or poly-surface model. Create full parametric models with history tree for both organic and prismatic shapes. Starting with freeform and basic primitives, you can build a complex CAD model by trimming them. Go back and change them later if needed to make sure the surfaces is based on the design intent.

powerful tools

Equipped With Powerful Tools

Extract geometric features with best fit algorithms, draw 3D sketches directly on the reference mesh, and build surfaces. The parametric behavior and real-time deviation analyzer give you the flexibility and control usually only available in higher-end packages.

Simplicity Is Best

Simplicity Is Best

While reverse engineering can often become cumbersome work, QUICKSURFACE user interface makes it easy to navigate and use to get the job done. Create your CAD models quickly all the while getting the results you always wanted.

low cost

Low-Cost CAD Solution

QUICKSURFACE is priced lower than other high-end reverse engineering solutions, while still delivering professional-end results. Because mesh editing tools are already included with your 3D scanner, QUICKSURFACE only provides you with essential scan to CAD tools. This way, it keeps the solution affordable.

View Feature Video
real-time deviation analysis screenshot

Real-Time Deviation Analysis

QUICKSURFACE provides a color deviation map automatically while CAD model is being created. This way, you have complete control over the entire process. Keep a tight tolerance to make sure your CAD model accurately represents the scan mesh and the design intent.


Compatible With Your Favorite Software

Export reconstructed surfaces or solid models for use in your preferred CAD systems using the industry standard format STEP or IGES. You can also use QS Connect to transfer the whole parametric history into SOLIDWORKS directly.

Works with:
  • Autodesk Inventor
  • Solid Edge
  • Creo
  • Siemens NX
  • Autodesk Fusion 360
  • + other major CAD programs

Two Versions To Choose From

Quicksurface software box

Full Version

  • Parametric modeling
  • Freeform organic modeling
  • Hybrid parametric modeling
Quicksurface freeform software box

Freeform Version

  • Freeform organic modelling
  • Automatic or manual surfacing of complex shapes

Excels At Creating CAD For Complex Parts

There are times when parts have a mix of mechanical and organic geometry that needs to be converted from Scan to CAD. With QUICKSURFACE, you can combine the best of both worlds with Hybrid CAD Modeling. In this example, the top surface was made with freeform surfacing and the rest of the part is created using classic extraction of primitives.

cad model scan data

Product Review

QuickSurface – Tools for efficiently working with mesh-based data from 3D scanners are few and far between and can often be costly. KVS’s new product looks to change that.

QuickSurface is one of those applications that’s likely going to prove useful to many, particularly as 3D scanning becomes more accessible and workflows become more entrenched in our design and engineering offices.

What’s more, it delivers this capability in a very competitive price bracket much more closely aligned with the mid-range scanning devices now available.

Al Dean Co-Founder, Develop3D Develop3D Logo

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