Python Bindings for PointKit: Scan
Bases: pybind11_object
The main scripting interface for PointKitPy.
Overloaded function.
AlignFast(self: PointKitPy.Scripting) -> bool
Fast alignment on the current mesh list.
AlignFast(self: PointKitPy.Scripting, aMoving: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt], aLocked: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt]) -> bool
Fast alignment on the provided mesh lists.
Overloaded function.
AlignICP(self: PointKitPy.Scripting) -> bool
Raw ICP alignment on the current mesh list.
AlignICP(self: PointKitPy.Scripting, aMoving: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt], aLocked: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt]) -> bool
Raw ICP alignment on the provided mesh lists.
Overloaded function.
AlignStandard(self: PointKitPy.Scripting) -> bool
Standard alignment on the current mesh list.
AlignStandard(self: PointKitPy.Scripting, aMoving: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt], aLocked: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt]) -> bool
Standard alignment on the provided mesh lists.
Cleanup meshes, removing invalid geometry and data.
Clear the list of meshes.
Combine the meshes.
Cut the meshes with a plane, removing points above the normal
Decimate the meshes by radius. If radius is 0, auto-calculates.
Decimate meshes, maximizing detail.
Decimate the meshes randomly, keeping a given percentage of vertices
Erode the meshes.
Finalize the current mesh list.
Keyword Arguments:
enableCombine (bool, default=True): Whether to combine meshes before finalizing. If false, finalize meshes individually.
clusterRemoval (bool, default=True): Whether to remove small clusters after performing reconstruction.
enableErosion (bool, default=False): Whether to erode the mesh after performing reconstruction.
enableHoleFilling (bool, default=False): Whether to fill holes in the mesh after performing reconstruction.
enableSmooth (bool, default=True): Whether to smooth the mesh after performing reconstruction.
enableEnhanceColor (bool, default=False): Whether to enhance color in the mesh after performing reconstruction.
combineVoxelSize (float, default=0.0): The voxel size to use for combining.
combineScanCount (int, default=0): Minimum scan count required to keep voxels.
combineMethod (str, default= “Voxel”): Combination method, “Voxel” or “MaximizeDetail”.
meshResolution (str, default= “Low”): Resolution, “Low”, “Standard”, or “High”.
pointsToMeshMethod (str, default= “Poisson”): Conversion method, “Poisson” or “Triangulation”.
trimFactor (int, default=1): Trim factor for Poisson reconstruction.
minLargestClusterPerc (float, default=0.0): Minimum percentage size of the largest cluster to keep.
maxClustersCount (int, default=1): Maximum number of clusters to retain.
erosionIterations (int, default=0): Number of erosion iterations.
maxHoleFillArea (float, default=0.0): Maximum hole size to fill.
smoothIter (int, default=2): Number of smoothing iterations after finalization.
`interface.Finalize(enableCombine=True, meshResolution="High", pointsToMeshMethod="Poisson", combineVoxelSize=0.1)`
Get the list of meshes (deep copy).
Fill holes in the meshes that are smaller than maxArea.
Load a single mesh, or a directory of meshes, into the PointKitPy scripting object.
Monitor a directory for numFiles files that match filter.
Overloaded function.
OptimizeAlignment(self: PointKitPy.Scripting) -> bool
Optimize the alignment of the current mesh list.
OptimizeAlignment(self: PointKitPy.Scripting, aMeshes: list[PointKitPy.Types.PLGMeshExt]) -> bool
Optimize the alignment of the provided mesh list.
Perform Poisson reconstruction.
Reset the scripting object to its initial state.
Save all meshes to disk.
Set the log level.
Smooth the meshes.
Subdivide the meshes.
Triangulate the meshes.
The log string
Disable to only log to the log string.
The list of meshes that the scripting object contains.