
FlexScan3D – Software for 3D Scanners

3D scanning software that powers Polyga’s 3D scanners
enabling fast data capture and advanced post-processing and analysis capabilities.

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Robust 3D Scanning Workflow

FlexScan3D monitor

FlexScan3D is our proprietary software that powers all of Polyga’s professional scanners. It gives you all the tools you need to reproduce high-resolution, accurate 3D scans directly from real-world objects. It includes a rich set of powerful tools to exactly control multiple 3D scanners in an easy to use interface.

It has rich post-processing tools for aligning and merging the scans into a full digital 3D model. After scanning you can position, analyze, and process the data, FlexScan3D gives you all the tools needed to convert 3D scans to useful information.

  • Capture 3D scans
  • Clean up scan data using advanced post-processing capabilities
  • Merge 3D scans into a full digital 3D model
  • Deviation analysis provides mesh-to-mesh comparison to determine accuracy level and for benchmarking
  • Powerful Measurement Tools, mesh editing and hole filling


Flexibility & Control

FlexScan3D gives you’ll full control over your 3D scanner. From tweaking every scanner setting to recalibrating your system. The software has every tool you need to optimize your scanner for every project.

Trusted Performance

Trusted Performance

FlexScan3D has been around for more than a decade with software releases every year. You’re in good hands when it comes to software reliability with powerful features and a complete workflow.


Included with every scanner

Software plays an important role in a 3D scanner because it’s the brains behind the entire system. You get a comprehensive set of 3D scanning and post-processing tools to create full digital 3D models.

What You Can Do With FlexScan3D

With a streamlined 3D scanning workflow and user-friendly user interface, FlexScan3D 3D scanning software is fast at transforming real-world objects into stunning 3D models that reflect their true likeness, down to the fine details.

3D Capture

3D Capture

FlexScan3D captures clean raw 3D scans right at the data acquisition stage. With less post-processing work and a fast data acquisition speed of approximately 1 second per scan, complete the 3D scanning portion of your project in the quickest time.


Advanced Post-Processing Capabilities

Clean up your 3D scans directly in FlexScan3D using its own built-in Mesh Editor. Easily process, align, and merge multiple scans to create a complete 3D model of the object.


Ready For Use

FlexScan3D exports your 3D models into common file format. Whether you are 3D printing the models or sharing your them using an online publishing platform (i.e. Sketchfab), the files are ready for use with a click of a button.

Export to file formats:

Transform tool

Transform Tool

After 3D scanning, the transform tool makes it simple to precisely align your scan data into a predefined coordinate system. Do it directly inside FlexScan3D so your models will be perfectly positioned when exporting your models for your application.

Deviation analysis

Powerful 3D Inspection Tools

FlexScan3D standard version includes additional 3D measurement and deviation analysis tools. The 3D scanning software quickly aligns two meshes together with a color map comparison to show tolerances at a glance.

Features FlexScan3D Powerful 3D Scanning Software
Camera Live View
3D Scanning: Capture in Point Cloud or Mesh
Scan Alignment: Geometry, Select, Fine, or Marker Alignment
Combine & Finalize: Smooth / Precise Finalize
Mesh Editor: Clean up, Decimation, Smooth, Erosion
Automation: Compatible with Polyga’s Automatic Rotary Table for 360° 3D scanning
Color 3D Scanning: Capture color and texture of an object when used with color machine vision cameras
Advanced Post-Processing: Interactive Hole Filling (Select a hole or a region for hole filling. You can control the process by specifying hole filling parameters.)
3D Inspection Tools: Deviation Analysis + Measurement Tools
Transform Tool: Positioning 3D scan data into the world coordinate system
Cut Plane Feature: Define a background plane and eliminate it automatically in all subsequent scans, capturing only scans with the target object
Calibration Tuning: Ballbar Tuning
Command Line Interface

Powerful Integration With 3D Scanning Software SDK

FlexScan3D includes a C++/C# API library and scripting functions for developers. Customize automated 3D scanner controls and data processing tailored specifically for your applications.

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