Personalized 3D Scanning
Solutions Examples

Full R&D From Scratch

Polyga has developed many custom 3D imaging solutions in addition to our standard 3D scanners. Our expertise enables us to create any type of 3D scanner designed around solving your unique requirements. Some of the industries that Polyga has worked with include dental, energy, historical preservation, aviation and automotive.

Scanners Customization

We can adjust our scanners’ design enclosures, FoV, size, projector, and scanning speed specifically to your needs. Some examples include increasing the field of view of Compact L6 to 1.5 meters and scanning speed to 15 frames per second. Another example includes modifying the Compact S1 Pro into a smaller form factor while keeping the same technical specifications and mounting points. This enabled a tighter integration into the customer’s systems.

SDK Customization

Our scanners come with our standard C++/C# SB SDK. Custom new features, such as integrated alignment and mesh inspection capabilities, can be added to speed development.

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Choose Polyga For Your Custom
3D Scanning Project

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Get To Completion

We are 3D vision experts. Our mechatronics engineers & software developers have hands-on experience in 3D scanner design & prototyping from scratch across many different industries. We speak the same technical language, so we can get going quickly.

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Leverage Our Existing
Tech Stack

Over the last 8+ years, we’ve launched multiple 3D scanners and software, enabling cost-effective custom solutions using existing technology. We have developed both high-accuracy and high-speed systems. ( <5 Micron and 60+ fps )

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Easy-To-Navigate Hardware & Software

Although we are a company built by engineers for engineers, we keep in mind that the end users may not be technical at all. We can design 1-click solutions for inspection, alignment, and digital delivery.

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Obtain Tangible
Business Benefits

Our prototypes and manufactured multi-purposed solutions tailored to the clients’ specific needs showed they achieved cost savings 2x-4x and increased ROI. They also improved staff productivity and reduced manual labor.

Custom 3D Scanning Project
Timeline: How Does It Work

Once the business agreement is in place, our engineers will analyze the project requirements and propose the most optimal R&D flow during the discovery phase, followed by prototyping and manufacturing. All phase durations are approximate and differ significantly from project to project, depending on the complexity and customization level.

Discovery & Project

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Planning & Scheduling

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Designing The

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Manufacturing The Scanner

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Testing & Delivery

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Let’s Bring Your Business To The Next Level

Work with us and get the 3D scanner that you need, faster and at a lower cost. Polyga precisely controls the scanner’s performance to provide the exact quality and price characteristics that our customers are looking for.

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